1987 Mercedes-Benz 560SL
Car price:
1987 Mercedes-Benz 560SL
Car price:
Engine: Daimler-Benz M117 E56 V8
Horsepower: 169kw/230hp
Kilometers traveled: 140320 / 87191 miles
Acceleration 7.7s
Speed: 223 km/h
Volume:5547 cm3
Torque: 378Nm/3250
Carburetor: Bosch KE-Jetronic
Color: Beige
Mass: 1680 kg
No. neck: 2
No. seats: 2
Brakes: Disc
Gearbox:MB 4 speed automatic
Steering wheel: Servo
Rims: Alu
Fuel: Gasoline

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Engine: Daimler-Benz M117 E56 V8
Engine power: 169kw/230hp
Kilometers traveled: 140320 / 87191 miles
Acceleration 7.7s
Speed: 223 km/h
Volume:5547 cm3
Torque: 378Nm/3250
Carburetor: Bosch KE-Jetronic
Color: Beige
Mass: 1680 kg
No. neck: 2
No. seats: 2
Brakes: Disc
Gearbox:MB 4 speed automatic
Steering wheel: Servo
Rims: Alu
Fuel: Gasoline

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Vehicle description

The R107 and C107 used chassis components from the 1968 Mercedes-Benz W114 mid-size model and initially mated them to the M116 and M117 V8 engines used in the W108, W109 and W111 series. Body styles for the R107 and C107 did not change significantly from their introduction in 1971 until the end of production in 1981 (coupe) or 1989 (convertible).
The Mercedes-Benz R107 and C107 are sports cars produced by Mercedes-Benz from 1971 to 1989, the second longest running single model series.
The SL version (R107) was a 2-seat convertible/roadster with a standard soft top, with an optional winter hard top and a rarely optioned rear small bench.
North America was a key market for this personal luxury car, with two-thirds of R107 and C107 production sold there.
